

Type : slope glider
Wing span: 48 in.
Airfoil: E374
Wing area : 432
Wing loading: 6,6 on./sq.ft.
Weight: 20 on.
Channels : ailerons, elevator
Materials : white Styrofoam tape covered
Source : « scratch built » from Skorpion plans but with a rectangular planform and 48 in. wing span .

Comments :

Easily and rapidly built. Very cheap. Tough (I learned to slope fly with this plane). Much drag due to fuselage width and outside linkages. Rather nervous when unballasted but more stable when ballasted. Need pretty much lift probably because it drags too much. I have seen another plane built the same way, the Hangar 4 Models Whirlwind. It flies very very very well. It's fuselage is narower and it uses a faster airfoil : RG15.

(See also Slope Gilding Stories)

©, Louis Cimon