

Type : slope flying wing
Wing span : 48 in.
Wing area : 479 in.2
Wing loading : 4,8 à 5,4on./ft.2
Weight : 16 on.
Channels : elevons (ailerons and elevator mixed)
Materials : styrofoam, EPP, corroplast, balsa.
Source : Kit from Frank Cavazos Models

Comments : Boomerang is a wonderfull toy. It takes 4 hours to build, it is cheap and uses standard size servos and receiver  (it needs a mixer, it can be mixed in the transmitter or use an electronic mixer between receiver and ailerons), it is very tough and flies very well. It is stable in flight. It has great manoeuvrability. It is an airplane that is used for aerial combat.

At first I resisted to the idea of a flying wing. I still think it does not look like a real airplane but I cannot do otherwise than realize that this plane has wonderfull qualities. It can fly in light wind and it can fly in pretty strong wind without ballast. Some add up to half pound of ballast to fly in very strong winds. 

A low pass for the photograph.

A view of Leclercville's slope, Boomerang coming in.

Photos: courtesy of Dany Lemay

©, Louis Cimon 99-11-19